

Grohanger is a new and unique sustainable baby clothes hanger design and the only baby hanger in the world with a trouser bar that literally GROWS into a full size adult hanger solving a number of pain points parents experience with standard baby hangers. Most importantly it prevents plastic waste created by standard hangers that are outgrown and mainly end up as landfill waste.


Made from certified high quality recycled material to reduce carbon footprint further. SAVES YOU SPACE. Create 50% more space using the Grohanger space saving feature and keep outfits and sets together. SAVES YOU TIME. No more picking up clothes from the floor or hunting for the right size hanger. Stay neat and tidy with Grohangers that GROW as your child grows. SAVES YOU MONEY.


Don’t waste money buying baby hangers, then kids hangers and clip hangers. Buy Grohangers once and cover everything and reduce waste. SAVES YOUR PLANET. Standard baby and kids hangers become too small and end up as plastic waste. Grohangers offer lifetime use and ZERO plastic waste. Pass to the next generation and keep the planet free of waste for your grandchildren!


Click here to see Grohanger work.


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